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  • Writer's pictureMatthew Dimas


Dear Reader,

What does selfcare look like? How are we supposed to know how to take care of yourself when it is not something taught in school. How do we protect and nourish our wellbeing to maintain or prosper. Self-care at its definition is the “practice” of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health. Emphasis on practice as it is not something that comes easy, and it must be done repetitively to become better at it. So just as you would go on a run to get better at running you must practice self-care. How often should one practice though? Who decides how long one should practice? What does this practice look like? Well, the great thing about self-care is the fact that it is in fact yourself who gets to set the tone or pace of your self-care. At the end of the day self-care is all about you. You are the most important thing you must take care of before you take care of anyone else. When there is an emergency on an airplane and the oxygen masks comes down the instructions are to put your mask on first before you try to help someone else.

So, take a deep breath and know that you are important enough for self-care and you are loved enough that you deserve it.


Your future self

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